
Welcome, Traveller!

This website was created for me as I go through the process of not sucking at Japanese!

(As I'm writing this, I am probably slightly above a JLPT N4 level, ready to traverse into 上手 territory over the coming months.)


How did I get here?

It all starts with a man named George Trombley, creator of a book series called "Japanese From Zero". After watching a few of his videos, I stumbled across some small drama that he had with a then small Youtuber named "Matt vs Japan". On Matt's channel, he talked about his experience with a method called "AJATT" (All Japanese All the Time), which he used to acquire a high level of Japanese fluency in just a few years.

Matt warned in his videos however that Khatzumoto, creator of the AJATT website had grown into quite the sell-out since the site's humble beginnings in the mid-2000s, and even had a tutorial showing how to safely navigate the website. Since then Matt has removed said videos and began doing the same things he once criticized Khatzumoto for, charging money for SRS decks and using scare tactics on beginners, making them think they need to spend hundreds of dollars on courses that he made with Ken Cannon (A notorious scammer) in order to get good at Japanese. Despite these flaws Matt's older videos still have value and the AJATT website is a gold-mine for great general philosophy and motivational content.

Long story short, Matt and Khatzumoto got me into immersion, but I do not agree with what they do nowadays. I would like to make it clear that this site isn't another AJATT clone, nor will I ever try to sell you stupid garbage you don't need. This site is simply to make the occasional update in order to keep myself consistent.

Back to me. I'll detail my journey more in the actual posts, but know that while I've been aware of AJATT/Antimoon/MIA/Refold/DJT for a number of years, I didn't start taking my Japanese seriously until much more recently. I finished the Tango N4 Anki deck last month (March 2023) and have been mining 15 sentences per day since. (I personally turn i+1 sentences into animecards because it shortens review time when the card matures.)